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Oct 24, 2009

    Featured Poets
  • William Carlos Williams:
    an American poet closely associated with modernism and Imagism.
    "Shoot It Jimmy", "The Last Turn", "The World Narrowed to a Point", "To a Friend Concerning Several Ladies"
  • Wyndham Lewis:
    an English painter and author. He was a co-founder of the Vorticist movement in art, and edited the literary magazine of the Vorticists, BLAST. Born on his father's yacht off of Nova Scotia, Canada.
    "End of Enemy Interlude", "The Essential Purposes of Art", "Song of the Militant Romance"
  • Ezra Pound:
    an American expatriate poet, critic and intellectual who was a major figure of the Modernist movement in the first half of the 20th century.
    "Canto XLV (With Usura)", "Cantico del sole"
  • T.S. Eliot:
    a poet, playwright, and literary critic. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948. Born in Saint Louis, Missouri and moved to the United Kingdom in 1914 becaming British subject in 1927.
    "The Wasteland"

    Featured Music

  • Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie's Rebop Six: "Groovin' High"
  • Charlie Parker, The Jay McShann Band: "I Found a New Baby"
  • Russian Futurism, Alexander Mosolov piano works
  • The Frightingales: "Ballpeen"
  • Zloty Dawai: "Dada Work Chant"
  • Volcano The Bear: "Classic Erasmus Fusion"

    Ravi Shankar: "Raga Jogeshwari"

  • Thee Contortionists: "The Four Corners of Heaven"

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